PS5 Controller Not Charging or Turning On (Here is the fix)

PS5 Controller Not Charging

Are you facing an ps5 controller not charging issue? Hmm, you should follow the steps mentioned in the article.

How will you react when you are in the middle of an exciting game and your PS5 controller dies? It is such a frustrating and testing situation that most game lovers can directly relate to such an embarrassment.

So, if you have been unlucky or don’t wish to experience such a phase, you should know that it is due to the PS5 controller not charging issue. As Sony’s new generation of consoles hit the market, it slowly gathered enough love.

Still, users soon experienced the issue of the PS5 controller not charging. Over some time, the problem became significantly high, and the official community has seen people asking for remedial ways. 

Troubleshooting Steps To Fix The PS5 Controller Not Charging

Don’t worry; before you go to purchase a new one, there are specific troubleshooting tips that can solve the issue. Since you never know that the charging issue of the batteries may be due to the following:-

Fault in the Charging Cable

Electronic devices work best when officially released by renowned brands, as besides being safe to use, they equally have long-lasting life. Quite like the official Sony PS5 charging cable, that is highly recommended if you have a faulty one. Similarly, look at the cable’s outer condition, as any sign of wear and tear may also create a PS5 controller not charging issue. 

The charging Port is damaged

Just when you thought that you would continue to witness an electrifying game, you realized that the batteries were suddenly discharged. What are you going to do? Well, for sure, you can’t continue any further.

But wait, try to look at any superficial damage you can see with your naked eyes to the charging port on either the console or the controller. In such a situation, you can do the following:-

  • Plug in a different outlet in the wall adapter (If you are charging from a wall adapter) and see if it works. 
  • Try to charge the controller from your Laptop’s USB port or console.

You will know about the results since this is a cross-check method that helps you to replace the cable if it is damaged.

Also Read: 3DS Not Charging

Reset the Controller

Many don’t believe it, but one of the reasons for the PS5 controller not charging is due to software-related viruses or bugs that hamper the charging issue. Don’t worry if your controller doesn’t charge. Reset the controller. Simply hold the PS button for 10 seconds, which resets it. Check it yourself to see whether it can charge effectively. If not, then read the post further.

Dead Batteries Can Cause Charging Issue

Every product has a life of its own, which works best through a specific period. The same holds for the batteries as well. So, if you experience that your beloved gaming console is not charging, then replace the batteries without any delay.

Also Read: Nintendo Switch Pro Controller Not Charging

Internal Faults

  • Has it ever happened that you accidentally dropped the console from a certain height?
  • Has it by accident fallen into the water? 

Suppose you need to realize that the internal damage has been done to the console. In that case, the wires may have detached or reported wear and tear, or the hardware may have experienced specific issues due to sudden jerks or water entering the components. 

Update Your PS5 – PS5 Firmware Update

The brand that has given its users moments of excitement, fun, and happiness knows that the users need to update their software periodically. That’s why Sony comes with regular updates for the PS5 to ensure that the bugs are fixed as the performance remains top-notch. Once updated, the users probably find a solution to the connectivity-related issues and the charging scenario that was hampering their play.

Simply go to Settings > System > System Software Updates. Check for the latest update and install the same. However, if you have come so far, but still the controller isn’t charging, get in touch with Sony customer care to replace it.

Playstation Support 

If you are still facing an ps5 controller not charging issue then you should connect with playstation customer support to understand the correct root cause.

Dualsense Controller Charging Station

If you are facing issues withs dualsense controller then check out charging station to clean up its dirt by dry cloth.

USB Ports and USB Cable

Check for faulty PS5 controller usb-c cables, try to connect with different cable to make sure that you won’t have issue with cable only.

PS5 Controller Not Charging During Rest Mode

While not everyone is facing this problem, some people who own a PS5 are having trouble charging their DualSense controllers when the console is in rest mode. This problem seems to be linked to the bigger USB Type-A port on the front of the PS5.

If you connect your PS5 controller to this port using the provided USB cable, you might notice that it doesn’t charge the controller when the console is in rest mode. You can tell if this is happening to you because the light bar on the controller won’t turn orange.

Frequently Asked Questions On PS5 Controller Not Charging

How does one get to know that the PS5 controller is charging?

When the PS5 controller charges, the light bar (situated on the front) will slowly pulse, but once it is fully charged, it simply glows. So, if the light bar doesn’t pulse or blink, you know your PS5 controller isn’t charging. Thereby, you can make alternative arrangements to make things work for you. 

Does the light bar indeed glow when fully charged in the PS5 controller?

Yes, as the PS5 controller gets wholly charged, the light bar, instead of blinking, continues to glow and is white in color. So, you must remove the charger to find that the DualSense controller has fully charged. In this way, you can also start enjoying some of the most exciting times through the game. 

What is the time taken by the PS5 controller to charge fully?

PS5 takes roughly 2 hours to charge 100% right from being 0%. However, if the device takes too long to charge, then look for ways it may have developed some snag. You can even try with another USB cable to cross-check if the problem persists due to a faulty cable. The issue may also be due to the battery crossing its warranty period. 

Why Is My PS5 Controller Not Charging?

If the PS5 controller won’t charge then it might have issues such as usb cable is faulty, USB port is filled with dirt, dead battery and many more.

Finally, the steps above indicate the solution to the PS5 controller not charging issue. Mainly, due to the accumulated dirt and germs, the charging port problem can be fixed, or the batteries can be replaced if needed.

However, even if none of the above steps work for you in certain extreme circumstances or situations, you need to replace the controller. Yes, that is right, as this means that the controller has developed some snag and has become defective, and you need another one.

This is how you can continue to enjoy the electrifying and happening moments that you drive from the game without having to face the tension and frustration of the DualSense battery being dead. 

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